NY Daily News: Carrie Fisher suffers massive heart attack aboard airplane.

The 60-year-old Fisher was flying from London to Los Angeles Friday when she went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing for roughly 10 minutes ...

I hate to point it out, but if '10 minutes' is correct, she's likely going to be severely brain-damaged, if not a vegetable. Her age and condition shortens the time she could survive. An airplane is the worst place for this to happen - flight attendants rarely know what to do, if they can even find the proper medical gear in a packed plane. [I experienced a fellow passenger's heart attack in the '90's. He didn't survive. Even with a doc on board, it was like the Keystone Kops trying to save someone.] Princess Leia was a crush of mine in '77 (brunettes with great smiles, always brunettes) ... 2016 continues to suck. 

Later: So, hopefully not '10 minutes'. Her brother says she's stable. Pressing my thumbs ...