The Fully Intended: Me Too.

Mollie nails it, as usual. During this last week, I mentioned the fact that France might consider fining catcallers to an acquaintance of mine. Her reaction was such that I continued to mention it to every man and woman I encountered for the rest of the week, to gauge the level at which catcalling is affecting half our population.

Men ranged from "Well, I guess it's a good idea" to "Ridiculous. What harm does it do? Sticks and stones."

Women? The 'look of eagles' (hope) appeared in the eyes, and stories of being catcalled - starting as an underage girl - were rolled out. Some took quite severe steps to never be in those situations again, limiting their freedom.




This will be no surprise to the female sex. To men? Jesus. My male privilege blinded me; our culture silently accepts this ... and it should not. At the very least, our American legal system should fine men who catcall underage girls, if they cannot generate any righteous indignation for catcalling in general. Childhood especially should be left unmolested. Reality comes hard, and always too soon.

[Later thought: On the other hand, 30 days in the slammer being catcalled by an inmate named "Knuckles" might be a good preventative, too.]