NY Times: The Power of Ariana Grande.

Is Grande’s network stronger than Abedi’s? I believe it is. The public face of the world — the Islamic State and all those meaningless words — is ugly right now. But behind it, in myriad ways, billions use the forces of connection to resist the abyss and lift humanity.

In the battle of pop v. terrorism, who will win? I think this incident underlined for me that terrorism is largely a young male issue. As the hormones rage, the drive to become a hero/martyr is strong. The 'dark side' is all too tempting, when one feels powerless and out-of-control.

My main concern is radicalization-by-internet. A good example, though far less evil: Look at how many of the early bloggers got hooked by the no-time-investment ease of snark via Twitter. All those lovely long posts gone, swapped for forgettable conversational detritus. "Good one!" Instant feedback, perhaps popularity, but reliant on constant flow of snark. Personalities changed to match the rewards.

It's all so easy. One can even slip into it completely unawares.

You don't have to agree. I'm just asking you to keep your eyes open. Use your 'net 'peripheral vision' to scan for threat - to yourself, to your loved ones. Anyone can get 'radicalized', in so many ways.