Success. And updates.

My work is done. All is in process. Three-four business days’ wait, finished. More details later this week. I should be back to something like normal posting, though perhaps on a restricted schedule. Much to prioritize. Every success brings … more work!

There is a link to a video on this graphic; don’t miss it. Quality life; no compromise. My gift to all. Peace.

Later: I’m bushed. Hell of a day. Hell of a week. Total Wine has 1.75 liters of JW Black for $50, so that was an instant sell. Two fingers in a glass, toasting myself quietly. Heaven forfend, with ice. I’ll go watch the sunset shortly, before imbibing further.

Funny: I was walking from a client’s downtown, when a lady raced out of a restaurant again asking me for my autograph. I could only remember “The Hateful Eight” filming here, because I was concentrated on processing info from the meeting, so I signed “Adam Sandler.” I’ve had this happen a couple of times before, people don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. The person I was walking with started dying laughing, saying “I’m laying even money she thought you were Sam Elliott or Billy Bob Thornton. You just completely destroyed someone’s vacation.” I suppose that’s another karma black mark for ol’ Garret … I’ll mark it up with all the others … so I toast that poor lady in absentia. My next life is going to be total sh-t if I keep on this way … but I’m laughing anyways. Go ahead and laugh at my expense. I may be an idiot, but at least I’m a somewhat honest one. They really don’t take no for an answer.

Tip: The above reminded me of something I wanted to tell you all of similar vintage to myself. I have a lot of sun damage on my face. Went to the GP, after doing much research. Tretinoin, in prescription strength, is slowly and gently improving my skin quality. Now, I have skin like a f-ing rhino, so it may be harsher on others. But don’t waste your money on OTC crap if you have melasma or sun spots. $45 a tube for something that actually works, and doesn’t stink like a British ladies’ bog (bathroom). I have to be concerned about this, because ageism is real, my mind is no longer enough to carry through, and I have to manage it in rather creative ways. First impressions do count. Right now, age seems like a number, not doom. Not everyone is so open-minded. No, I would never consider a facelift. By God I earned these wrinkles. I’m keepin’ em. As Jimmy Buffett said, wrinkles only grow where smiles have been. EXACTLY. RIP, JB.

Which, BTW, one of my favorite tunes to dance reggae/ska style to: Jamiaca Mistaica. Play it loud, dance like a nutcase. Airplanes, idiots with machine guns, what’s not to like? Never forget to duck. I love to cook to this tune. Be ready for a horrible mess that tastes excellent. I’m a Libra, music rules my world. I can make myself and the walls look like a Jackson Pollock before I realize what I’ve done. TMI, I know. Now noone wants me near a kitchen. The fact I dance at all shocks the hell out of Zari. Australian Shepherds seem unable to process dancing. It’s something to either stare at, or punch in the crotch.

Can you tell that’s two fingers’ worth of blogging?!! I don’t have anyone to converse with tonight, so you all get the benefits. “Just another shitty day in paradise …” Listen to the song. My voice is free now, in perpetuity.

On regrets: “Somewhere in this mess, there’s a little piece of value.” I am on my journey of a thousand miles; let’s say I’ve done 640. What do I need to do to push to the thousand? Who and what do I keep? Who and what do I leave behind? Very much on my mind at this moment. Right now, I need the bold by my side. I have no more fucks left to give. What remains? Action. And that, I deem, is not a bad thing to be left with. I can use action. Leverage action. When I leave the computer, that is who I am. Nothing more, nothing less.

Before sacking out: Thanks for the likes, folks. Things might take some time, but you know I won’t let you down. Been a while since I wrangled food and horses during Cerro Grande, or worked to oppose fracking in Santa Fe, but you know my character here. I do work hard to give back. Means a lot for even this many people to support me and the blog. My heart is full.

Insomniac last. Well, that was embarrassing. Sometimes I get too personal with blogging. Sometimes I fumble things. Sign of a tough time. Apologies. I’ll be a bit more circumspect in the future. I suppose in thinking out loud, I just don’t want to let destiny pass me by. I’ll go looking for land tomorrow, get me away from the internet.