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SF New Mexican: Foreclosure suit threatens Galisteo Basin Preserve.

This is my go-to decompression spot! I missed this news article, was alerted to it by our local Vistas magazine.

Whether the original folks develop it, or the bank forecloses, much was not going to be preserved anyway. We'll fight for now, but no matter our efforts, the landscape will be developed at some point. I suppose we have to be grateful we got to enjoy it for this 'grace' period between building booms.

It's a place where one can still find absolute solitude and quiet within a few minutes' drive.

The loss, at some future date, will mean my days in Santa Fe are numbered. #NewMexicoTrue has beshat upon all our other 'solitude' locations. I need to move further out into the boonies. There is not a trail left where you can escape the piles of mummified dog leavings and MTB gel-packs.