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Vox: The Joe Rogan controversy revealed something important about the American left.

Applause for not making up everyone's minds for them. Deep, complex moral issues need personal, contextual thought. Many will argue that, up against a strong contender, that inauspicious bedfellows must be contemplated. I worry about what that does, long term, to the moral fibre. Yet the shouldn't-be-subtle subtleties of Colin Powell vs. Joe Rogan are lost on too many.

Where is your personal line in the sand? If Bernie's crossed it, you have no choice.

I've not spent any time paying attention to Rogan, so I will do some reading now before judging.

Later, related. If you're going to be upset at Bernie, how about Elon Musk, who actually appeared on the show? Or the many others? Even Cornel West?! Double standards, methinks.