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A reminder of my political stances.

I think this needs to be said, so readers don’t have to tease it out over time.

Women control their bodies. Period. Stop messing with medical necessities. You are murdering people, and we won’t forget (speaking as a pissed-off male).

Tax the rich and ultra rich. Admit that supply side economics was a scam. History is very clear that you cannot tax cut your way to anything but poverty and broken infrastructure.

Corporations should no longer be treated as individuals in legal status.

Separation of church and state. It’s in the Constitution. Read the goddamned document.

Stop banning books.

I support marriage of any two consenting adults.

End the epidemic of homelessness in this country. Lift all boats with a basic universal income of some kind.


Take action against climate change. It’s here, it’s real, and we need to be taking steps now.

Trans people are people. They are us, we are them. There are no ‘others’.

Dump the electoral college.

Ride the big money interests out of Washington on a rail. Stop lobbying.

Break up monopolies for real, as we used to, to prevent the kind of persistent inflation and pure greed that is killing our economy.

Authoritarianism is an unacceptable solution to any political problem.

Immigration is necessary and economically beneficial. Many urban areas will not survive the next five to ten years without a steady supply.

No child labor. Only idiot old white males who never worked a farm, or were affluent enough to never have to do chores, would come up with this absolutely ridiculous and inhumane idea to minimize immigration.

I think that covers most of the major issues. Just so we’re clear. I consider the fact I even have to state these things extremely sad.