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Nice one.

Up and working out since 5:45AM. Rise and shine, peeps! The first day of the rest of your life! Make it great.

WO for Murph: Brief ten minute run, 120 25lb weighted squats, 120 25lb weighted pushups in a half hour. I’ll do the rest of my workout later today. Got a 10AM meet.

Starting the day right: A nice request from a client sitting in my email box this morning. “I need some of your magic.” Now, that’s the kind of energy I can work with. Come to me in that mindset, and I’ll work miracles.

Brilliance: Rando music hit. That four-note rhythm in War’s “Cisco Kid.” They used saxophone, harmonica, and flute to achieve it.

Later: GREAT meeting. Covered tons of ground, got to meet a former staffer for Skywalker Sound. Honored. Win.

Bit later: ANOTHER happy client. Kickin’ ass today. That’s what happens when I finally get a night’s sleep. The last two days were ROUGH.

Two more clients to deal with … caught in the crossfire … gonna crush it …

No callbacks. I’ll crush tomorrow. Starting over.

Goin’ Out: Kicking up my personal style, creating my brand. Gotta keep up.

Believe it or not, those are sale Ralph Lauren boots. They’ve lasted longer than my old Redwings, surprisingly. And resole-able.

The bracelets are from Studebaker Metals. Copper, silver, bronze. High recommend. Horsehair bracelet from downtown.

True Classic tees. Soft, durable, fit fantastic. Don’t squinch at the price. Just buy some. And yes, I need a haircut and the Xterra is filthy. GBP is quite dusty at this time, and it’s my favorite spot for alone time (with or without Z). Such a blessing to have that spot.

So, would you be OK for that guy with the dusty truck to shoot/edit your vids?

Fire season is apparently upon us. There was a tinge of fire smoke against the Sangres this morning. Not sure from where. There’s a couple of fires near Pueblo, one near Durango. Can’t see as how they could push smoke this far, but you never know. We’ll be in single digit humidities, folks … be careful with chainsaws and such.