Personal Improvement: Some journal prompts.

I kind of rebel against this sort of thing; I think I already know the answers. Or the prescribed prompts in articles are just so woo-woo I can’t take them seriously. And yet, when I start writing, I’m continually surprised that my fingers write out things my brain doesn’t fully appreciate. TikTok, of all places, gifted me some that actually resonate. Thanks to “Sacred Light” Amadeus Thomas:

1. What does success mean to me?
2. What am I holding onto from my past that is keeping me from moving forward?
3. What characteristics in others am I most attracted to?
4. What does a day in my dream life look like?
5. What fears or limiting beliefs do I have about myself or my life?
6. What does it mean to me to 'win at life'?
7. What changes am I willing to make to create the life of my dreams?
8. What is most important to me?
9. What brings me joy?
10. How can I better serve the world around me?

Later, related: Vox, How to be alone with your thoughts. This is a foreign concept to me, not being comfortable in thoughts by yourself. I am most comfortable thinking alone. To be honest, too much chatter for too long makes my brain shut down. I’m forced to take written notes at that point.