The Cut: Isabella Rossellini Will Reappear in Lancôme Ads This Year.

And here I was just talking with a friend, about how youth-oriented most of the online world is. I was mentioning how many conceptual women photographers have disappeared, because age has robbed them of their vital traffic-attractant. But this! I applaud this. In fact, I will stand up right now and applaud. There's noone here to hear it, but I still think it matters. You still look great, Ms Rossellini.

[Note, these images are taken by my current obsession, Peter Lindbergh, who actually prefers to capture women without makeup. Usually in B/W. Seeing his work makes me want to either 1) shoot until I equal his prowess or 2) crawl under a rock and give up. Depending on the day. I just need more willing models who won't get bored while I noodle with lighting, poses and setting.]