I'm enjoying Mastodon more and more.

Not only the absence of algorithmic feeds, but the fact that the people I follow are just so erudite and intelligent - not that I didn’t know they were, but that Twitter was filtering them away, and I thought all was lost. I’d given up on the internet, really. Twitter today, in comparison, is feeding me violence and right-wing idiocy. I should just shut down the account, but there are still one or two people who refuse to leave who I value. It’s a real penance going back to the ‘bird slum.’

And some of our old blogger compatriots are linking to some great blog posts, writing with character and style. Dave is one. Local ‘takes’ are so important in this current political climate, and he rips out a great one here. I understand the issue deeply now, thanks to his writings.

Why are local takes so important? Do you remember, in the 2016 election, the surprise over Georgia (esp. Atlanta area) going blue? I knew it would. Why? I work with the School for Advanced Research, and their visiting scholar John Arroyo gave us the local ‘take’ on the Atlanta area, why and how it has changed.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Dave’s take becomes important for 2024.

Another video I just produced for SAR is one by Leo Chavez. Learn why we want to promote LEGAL immigration. LOTS of it. Excuse the audio issues … we had some in-house audio troubles. Leo’s information here kicks the mainstream media in America right in the teeth. I mean, seriously. How can we stop the BS?

We bloggers need to be writing again. About local issues. And we need to be sure our RSS feeds allow aggregation. We need to undercut the clickbait mainstream media. Mastodon has given me hope!

Perhaps this is a dangerous thing - LOL - a dangerousmeta! thing.

I am @dangerousmeta@mstdn.social at Mastodon. Please follow me, and I promise a follow in return.