The New Yorker: Hillary Clinton’s Mandate Problem.

Her Republican opponents will quickly argue that her election was not a referendum on her immigration-reform plan, her infrastructure spending ideas, or her childcare and family-leave proposals, three legislative priorities she is likely to push during her first year in office. The campaign, they will claim, was simply a rejection of Trump. If Republicans control both chambers of Congress, their argument that Clinton lacks a strong mandate will be even more powerful: while Americans may have given her the White House, they also voted for congressional Republicans to serve as a break on her agenda.

As good an article about what 2017 holds as any I've seen yet. Hillary should not claim mandate unless she gets the Senate. Then we'll allow her that. If she gets the House ... have at it. That's a real mandate. And rather than other articles that talk about the fractured GOP, there's nothing that unites them like a good single enemy. They couldn't deal with the distributed nature of terrorism, but they were very good Cold War opponents. Hillary alone will line 'em up in opposition within a week of her inauguration. You can bet on it.